Put in a baking dish, season with salt and fresh-ground pepper, and bake until squash is starting to get soft.Scrape out the seeds and the stringy parts.Wash the squash, cut in half, and cut out the stem.(This is just a summary of the steps scroll down for complete printable recipe with nutritional information.) Steps for making Sausage Stuffed Acorn Squash: But lately I haven’t been finding the turkey Italian Sausage in my stores, and if you prefer pork sausage, that will certainly work. I’m a big fan of turkey Italian Sausage, especially for a dish like this where there is also cheese in the stuffing. (Thanks to a smart reader for alerting me to that in the comments!) What kind of Sausage did I use for Sausage Stuffed Acorn Squash? Good options include Kabocha or Buttercup. You could definitely use one of the other winter squashes that have less carbs for those recipe. What winter squash could you use that is lower in carbs? But you could stuff some of the sausage mixture into peppers for some family members who wanted fewer carbs if you prefer. In the nutritional information I’m assuming that most people who are watching carbs would eat half of one of these pieces of Acorn Squash with the stuffing, which makes it not that much of a carb splurge. How can you make this recipe lower in carbs? Italian Sausage, either pork or turkey Italian Sausage will work.salt and fresh ground black pepper to taste.What ingredients do you need for this recipe: I’m reminding you about this for my Friday Favorites pick for the week, and if you like winter squash and Italian Sausage I bet you might love it as much as I do. Since then I have made this every year when acorn squash starts showing up in the stores. And although I know winter squash isn’t a super low-carb vegetable in a recipe like this where there’s plenty of low-carb sausage, peppers, and cheese it may be a lower-carb dish than you’d think. I enjoyed the flavor, and the shape of acorn squash made me think it was begging to be stuffed with something tasty.

I came up with this recipe a few years ago when my sister Val gave me some acorn squash from her garden. My infatuation with butternut squash is well-documented on the blog, but this is the very first recipe using acorn squash to appear on Kalyn’s Kitchen! Sausage Stuffed Acorn Squash is a recipe that combines Italian Sausage with onions, peppers, and cheese, and then stuffs the mixture inside a partly pre-baked acorn squash.