Posts that are easily searchable ("I'm stuck in Green Brinstar").Poor context in the title ("MFW Ridley dies", "I'm stuck help plz!").Intentionally misleading or click-bait titles.No low-effort postsĭo not post submissions or comments with little to no effort. Neither are look-alikes that are otherwise unrelated. A cute title or text over an image is not enough to be considered relevant. Any content not directly related to Metroid will be removed. Stay on topic and avoid using vague references in your submission or title. Our community is dedicated to all things Metroid make sure your submissions follow suit. Submissions must directly pertain to Metroid Participating in flame wars will see action taken at moderator discretion. We encourage all members to engage in thoughtful discussion, and to avoid partaking in echo chambers. Do not harass, or intentionally troll each other. Don't be mean, hurtful, or vulgar towards your fellow redditor be excellent to each other. This subreddit is meant to be a comfortable environment to bond over all things Metroid. My final verdict: This hack stinks, despite its overall quality, and I recommend to everyone to avoid it unless you can do wall-jumps in your sleep, which from what I could gather is rather unlikely.New to Metroid? Start here! Join the Metroid Subreddit Discord! Metroid Dread Trailer Metroid: Samus Returns Trailer I can't help but ask the question: Why spend so much time on a hack that alienates a significant segment of the Metroid fanbase? It's like he knew that a lot of people would get stuck in his hack and he made sure few people will bother him about it. I find it funny how the guy behind this hack doesn't offer any way to contact him, other than trying to catch him on some obscure IRC channel.
I could practice like crazy and try to master the wall-jump technique, but I'm not about to waste the D-Pad of my PC gamepad, which I bought just a couple of weeks ago, on such an endeavour. The game being very linear (at first anyway), I couldn't find any way to avoid having to enter the room with the Wall Jump Boots, and in order to escape that room, you have to wall-jump your way up a very long shaft, and since I've never been able to perform the wall-jump more than twice in a row, I'm stuck there with no hope of ever getting out. Well, after trying my best to make progress with this hack, I have to call it quits. Has anyone found the bombs yet? No spoilers here, but I'm stuck in an area where you need to bomb out and I can't find them. It takes practice, lots of it, but it does get easier.

Most of the time when you fall it is because you press the fire button too early. The key to it is you got to face the opposite direction and then press fire a little later. After playing this game off and on for two days I've gotten a lot better. You just have to learn more skills JB like nunchaku skills, computer hacking skills, wall jumping skills. I can't do a walljump in Super Metroid with any regularity. Seriously, HAVING to use the walljump guarantees I will NEVER touch this hack. I HATE WALLJUMPING! DIE YOU STUPID WALLJUMP GOBLINS AND YOUR DAMNED PIT FROM HELL! IT TOOK ME FOREVER TO BOMB-JUMP OUT OF THAT CESSPOOL OF CRAPPINESS, WHICH WAS STILL INFINITELY FASTER THAN WALLJUMPING! I recommend you just join the one that says Metroid_Redesign_Header. Make a backup copy of your Super Metroid rom and keep it in a different place before you join it (just in case). The Japanese version gives you the option of reading text in English or Japanese, and the European version gives you the option of reading text in German or French. You can tell what version you have already if you just fire up the rom in your emulator. The patches don't work with the European (E) version. There are a hundred websites out there, but make sure you get the Japanese (JU) version.
Open the readme and it tells you were to get the patch joiner (Lunar IPS), and also the password to unzip the two patch files. This is the website that holds the patch for the rom. I'm not posting the rom here as I don't want Nintendo coming down on AA. Anyhow it's like playing your favorite game again for the first time, and if you are in any way a Super Metroid fan you owe it to yourself to check it out.

The difficulty has been increased with some things. It still has the feel of Super Metroid and is bigger.

This hack looks like an entirely new game. A sign of a great game is when you never want it to end, and that was the case with the original Super Metroid. Anyone play this yet? I just tried it yesterday for the first time.